Talks and Publications

Indo Data Week

11/2020 | Online

Applied Analytics and AI for Enhanced Energy Security.

Den Bosch Data Week

10/2020 | ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Future energy systems and the role of Data Science and analytics.

Predictive Maintenance

01/2020 | Berlin

Excavation damages: Machine Learning as a predictive tool.


06/2019 | Madrid

25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution: Short-term load forecasting on MV/LV transformer level.

Project portfolio

Selected Works

Load forecasting

Congestion Management

Forecasting electricity load of congestion points in the electricity grid by combining data from sensors and weather forecasts.

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Predictive maintenance

Preventing Excavation Damages

Predicting costly excavation damages and delivering the results automatically to an operational prevention team.

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Big Data solutions

Cloud computing

Developing a big data solution including a dashboard for analyzing high volumes of noisy sensory data.

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Talks and publications

Recently, I have been invited to speak about Data Science developments. I also published scientific papers about my work.

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